Welcome to the Golubka Kitchen Cooking Circle

⌑ a space for mastering intuitive, seasonal cooking and daily self-nourishment ⌑


Intuitive cooking has woven its way deeply into my being.

It feels joyful, a ritual as grounding as a cup of something warm in the morning. Through life’s ebbs and flows, it’s always there as an anchor. Learning to cook intuitively, seasonally, simply, and, oftentimes, without recipes has colored my world a shade brighter. 
With this cooking circle, I hope to gently guide you to a similar relationship with cooking. I believe that even in the bustle of modern life, there is still a place for the act of preparing food. In fact, I find it to be essential to a life well lived. Ultimately, cooking for/with ourselves and our loved ones means taking back our power in nourishing ourselves. It’s a power that we might have forgotten about lately, but something that, I believe, can be quickly regained. If you’d like, read more on how and why I came to create this cooking circle here.


By becoming a subscriber,
you’ll have access to the following:

3x + new recipes / month 

These recipes will always be plant-based, centered around whole food ingredients, and speaking to seasonal cravings. Each recipe will have intuitive cooking takeaways, or notes pointing out teachable moments within the recipes, and how you can apply them when cooking other dishes in the future.

1x intuitive home cooking video class / month, with demos of more, staple recipes, and Q&A’s

In these classes, you will learn the philosophy, techniques, and ideas behind intuitive cooking, a kind of roadmap to nourishing yourself daily and simply. These skills will help you master cooking well without depending fully on recipes, have more fun and be more efficient in the kitchen, cook with the seasons, and satisfy your and your close ones’ cravings with home cooking. Many of these classes will provide additional, staple recipes to further illustrate the lessons. I’ll also be answering any of your questions at the end of each class.

a monthly seasonal newsletter

These newsletters will be full of the season’s musings, pleasures, playlists, and favorite things.

20% off ebooks and any other future offerings

In gratitude for your support :)

*cancel at any time / have questions? please read our FAQ