
Hello! Welcome to our little cooking circle.

I’m so thrilled to have you here. I’ve had the desire to create a body of work that teaches people about my favorite kind of cooking, intuitive and seasonal home cooking, for quite a few years. Recently, the call became very loud, and I finally felt ready to start pouring it all out into the world.

I love developing and sharing recipes, but the way that I cook and navigate the kitchen daily is very different from the somewhat rigid structure of recipe-forward cooking. I’m guided more by what produce is in season, the weather, and day-to-day cravings. I might have some recipes planned, but I rarely let them completely dictate what I end up cooking. Instead, I treat cooking as a small, daily act of creativity, self-nourishment, and connection. And if you’re thinking that you’re too busy for all that, I can confidently say that this kind of cooking is often much simpler and more liberating than following and shopping for exact recipes. It’s what really made me fall in love with cooking in the first place. Cooking daily with a quiet, background sense of freedom and wonder has also helped me grow my self-reliance and abilities in the kitchen like nothing else has. I hope to help gently guide you to a similar relationship with cooking within the format of this membership.

Of course, intuitive cooking requires some basic skills and general knowledge, but that’s what we’ll be focusing on here, in the monthly video cooking classes. In addition to the monthly class, I’ll be publishing three (or more) new recipes every month. These recipes will always be guided by the seasons, whether the current season’s produce or overall mood, they’ll also be plant-based and whole food-focused. To tie the recipes in with our ultimate goal of intuitive cooking, each one will have what I’m calling intuitive cooking takeaways. These little notes will point out teachable moments within the recipes, and how you can apply them when cooking other dishes in the future. Or they’ll touch on ingredients that can be replaced or omitted, or how the leftovers can be transformed. Personally, I’m so excited to create recipes that are guided by the seasons, rather than algorithms, with no ads surrounding them (there will be no ads, ever). I never stop learning when it comes to preparing food, and I hope that we can grow together as home cooks. Please feel welcome to leave comments or email me through the contact form with any questions, requests, or ideas. I’m here to serve and be as helpful as I can.
